Macro nutrients - adalah nutrisi yang di pakai dalam jumlah relative banyak dan penunjang keberlangsungan tanaman dan proses foto sintesis
1. N (Nitrogen)
2. P (phosphate)
3. K (Potassium )
Micro-nutrients tanaman membutuh kan nutrisi micro yang berfungsi sebagai pendukung kesuburan tanman seperti manusia juga tdk akan berhenti hidup nya semerta2 kekurangan vitamin dan mineral2 tambahan, tapi apabila ingin tanaman tumbuh sehat ini perlu diperhatikan
Micro nutrients yang dibutuhkan dan biasa di berikan sebagai tambahan:
1. Fe (iron)
2. B (boron)
3. Mn (manganese)
4. Zn (zinc)
5. Cu (cuprum)
6. Mo (molybdenum)
Simptoms of deficiencies
#1 Severe nitrogen deficiency
White/yellow tiny new growth
#2 Calcium deficiency
Twisted pale new growth. (could also be K, Mg overdose)
#3 Iron deficiency
Greenish nerves and yellowing of the older leaves.
#4 Phosphate deficiency
Yellowing and death patchs on older leaves. The leaves die and falls off rather quickly. (Look similar to early nitrogen deficiency)
#5 Magnesium deficiency
Dark veins and lighter older leave tissue
#6 Normal leave
#7 Early signs of nitrogen deficiency
Older leaves turns yellow and die off.
#8 Potassium deficiency
Pin-holes with yellowing edges
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